RezPort to Exhibit at AAAE 91st

Annual Conference

RezPort will exhibit at AAAE 91st Annual Conference on June 16-19, 2019, at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC) in Boston, MA. RezPort representatives will be at Booth 952 to help attendees address any parking software questions or issues.

Powered by smartLUIS (Logical User Interface System), RezPort offers a fully comprehensive, cloud-based Centralized Reservations System (CRS) and Point-of-Sale (POS) Revenue Management System optimized for the parking industry.

Targeting large, mostly public, entities like airports, municipalities, cruise ports, RezPort offers parking operators fully loaded, off-the-shelf software that maximizes revenue, efficiency and control right out of the box.

Unlike the competition, RezPort’s system:

      • Improves yield and customer service immediately, utilizing its full range of functionality reporting capability and revenue generating pricing controls
      • Is scalable
      • Integrates seamlessly with major PARCS providers and payment gateways

For more information on RezPort contact:

Phone: 813.336.3142


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